Menstrual Hygiene Management among Schoolgirls in Eastern Province of Zambia

The overall purpose of this study was to identify the experiences and challenges schoolgirls faced in hygienically managing menstruation during school hours and explore its effects on school attendance and learning. Research that examines the ways in which MHM influences girls’ daily lives and freedom to learn in the Zambian context is lacking. Therefore, the research described below was implemented with the following objectives:

1. Determine the prevailing knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, norms, barriers, and practices related to MHM primarily among adolescent schoolgirls and other target groups in selected rural and urban basic schools in Eastern Province

2. Identify facilitators to improve MHM from the perspectives of primarily adolescent schoolgirls and other target groups, including suggestions and strategies

Publication Type: 
Publication Date: 
May 2016
WASH, WASHplus, FHI 360, USAID, Zambia, menstrual hygiene management, MHM

fhi360 care Winrock International

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